Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New Beginnings?

To begin things properly, here's to a brilliant 2011!

2010 was a great year for me: it was the year I graduated, the year I had been working towards for three straight years. The year I took my final university exams at one of the best universities in the UK and really learned things about the way I write and accordingly about myself.  I had some great tutors at Warwick, one in particular will always stay in my mind. I proved to myself that I could achieve despite anything. Fear of failure is one of my greatest obstacles and so this was a big moment for me.

2010 is also of course the year that I moved to Paris, 4 months ago now.  It looked like I might not have been able to get home for Christmas due to the heavy snow in France and England and the Eurostar's notorious inability to cope with cold weather. My train was cancelled but I was rather lucky; I was given passage on an earlier train in first class with complimentary wine and food! I was not complaining. Being home was lovely, I got to see friends, my boyfriend and of course my family. Santa spoilt me rotten as did the boyfriend.

Continuing with my what I like to see as cosmopolitan lifestyle, I greeted the New Year in Trafalgar Square, London, after a cocktail or two watching the fireworks. Earlier on in the day the boy and I put on our ice-skating boots at Somerset House which was a lot of fun and I'm proud to say I didn't fall once! I'd love to go skating in Paris soon.

I'm currently bed-ridden with the flu (the English flu! as the French doctor said to me in disdain), which has meant no looking after small children (I'm very contagious) and no French classes (which really bugs me as I know I will have missed alot and it's bloody expensive) but I'm starting to feel more like myself and fingers crossed I'll be up and about bossing small people around in no time. I will update again once better.

A Happy New Year to all xxx

1 comment:

  1. hope you feeel better!
    i have an epic fear of failure too
