Monday, April 4, 2011

Disneyland Paris

So this weekend I had an amazing time at this little fella's place. Thanks to a deal at French store FNAC (a little bit like HMV back home), my ticket was valid for both parks for a reasonable price. We ventured into Walt Disney Studios first, it being the smaller of the two, and saved the wonder of Disneyland for last. The rides Tower of Terror and the recently built Aerosmith rollercoaster were unbelievably awesome. I'm sorry for the cheesy vocabularly but it's just true. My navigo pass gives me free access to places around Paris at weekends, so the train fare was completely free, saving me an extra 12 euros or so. Disneyland is located at Marne la Vallee, about an hours ride from Charles de Gaulle. Naturally, we arrived soon after opening time and left just before the park closed.

The usual notorious rides such as Space Mountain, Indiana Jones and the new and fantastic Buzz Lightyear proved amptly entertaining, and we stopped only for much-needed refreshments in the 25 degrees celsius heat and cloudless sunshine. We couldn't have chosen a better day, which is a bit of luck really, as it's been raining most of the week.

Dinner was had at Disney Village, situated directly outside both parks for which entrance is free and unmonitored, and consisted of a baked potato and a beer which was simple enough but did the job. It really was like an American bubble in the middle of France, which struck us more I think as we are so used to the Parisian life as opposed to having just popped off the eurostar from London. The comfortable familiarity of being surrounded by anglosaxons added to our "day of fun!" and all the usual attempts of French were discarded. An unmissable day out if you're in Paris for any sufficient amount of time, no matter how old you are!

A bientot xxx

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